Sinusitis is a medical condition where the tissues lining the sinuses become inflamed or swollen. Normally, the sinuses are filled with air, but when they get blocked and fill up with fluid, harmful germs like bacteria, viruses, and fungi can thrive and cause inflammation. If you experience a stuffy nose, discoloured nasal discharge, along with headaches, facial pain, or swelling around the sinuses, it could be a sign of sinusitis. In Ayurveda, sinusitis is referred to as "pinas." This condition can affect individuals of any age or gender. Sinus blockage often arises due to common ailments like the common cold, allergic rhinitis (a condition characterized by inflammation of the nasal lining), nasal polyps (small growths in the nasal lining), or a deviated septum (a displacement in the nasal cavity). Ayurveda retreat in India is one stop solution for those kinds of sicknesses. If you are looking for the best Ayurveda retreat and naturopathy centre in India, then don’t look ...
The Nimba Nature Cure Village is set among lush greenery and provides a tranquil refuge in nature. It has world-class therapy, relaxation, rejuvenation, exercise, and entertainment facilities. If you also want a rejuvenation session at Nimba then give us a call immediately to book your place. Visit: